

Nekane was born on December 16, 1991, in Granada Andalucia, Spain. She is also known as Nekane Sweet, Dolores. She is 165 cm (5 ft 5 in) tall and her weight is 50 kg (110 lbs). Her tits are natural, her size is DD. It is quite rare that such big boobs are real. She is a bit curvy. According to our records, Nekane is single, there are also none known relations she has had.

She is active as a porno star since 2011. Nekane is also working as a model. She likes to be naked and to show off her body. Taking a dildo and playing with it is not a problem. When she is having scenes with a man she likes to blow, have classic sex and anal, her special wish is to have two dicks at the same time.

There a plenty of movies with her participation. 1By-Day Nekane (by DDF Prod.), Big Tits at School Nekane (Brazzers Network), Nekane profile (Cumlouder), Euro Sex Parties Nekane (Reality Kings), Prime Cups Nekane (More Gonzo).

She is nominated for different awards nine times, but she did not win any of awards so far. She is nominated for Best Actress (2015, 2016, Premio Ninfa), Newcomer Sex Goddess (2016, DDF Award), Best Performer of the Year (2017, AVN Award), Best Sex Scene (2017, AVN Award), Best web-cam model (2017, Premio Ninfa), Best Performer of the Year (2017, 2018 XBIZ Award).

Same as any porno actress she can be found on many websites. We would like to offer to see her best strip shows @iStripper

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